
Estudos e projectos no domínio do emprego

Desemprego de longa duração

Integrated support for the long-term unemployed in Europe – A study of national policies

Avaliação da Recomendação do Conselho sobre a integração de DLD no mercado de trabalho – Relatório final 2019

Report from the Commission to the Council on the evaluation of the Council Recommendation on the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market – synopsis report

Commission Staff Working Document: Evaluation Accompanying the document Report on the evaluation of the Council Recomendation on the integration on the long-term unemployed into the labour market

Case studies accompanying the report on the evaluation of the Council Recommendation on Long-Term Unemployment (2019)

Combining active and passive labour market measures


Emprego jovem

Implementation of the Youth Guarantee – Challenges and Success Factors

Study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work Part 1: Intervention Models, Sustainability and Relevance 

Study on the Youth Guarantee in light of changes in the world of work Part 2: Emerging challenges related to young people’s transition into the labour market

Implementation of the Youth Guarantee by the Public Employment Services: Success factors and key challenges

Youth Guarantee country by country (Portugal May 2018)

Start-up support for young people in the EU: From implementation to evaluation

Youth entrepreneurship in Europe: Values, attitudes, policies

Long-term unemployed youth: Characteristics and policy responses

Exploring the diversity of NEETs

Effective outreach to NEETs – Experience from the ground


Criação do próprio emprego

Helping unemployed creating their own work in the new economy

Exploring self-employment in the European Union

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2015 – Policies for Self-employment and Entrepreneurship



Early activation and employment promotion

The Role of PES in Outreach to the Inactive Population – Study report

Reactivate: Employment opportunities for economically inactive people


Grupos especiais

Approaches to the labour market integration of refugees and asylum seekers


Criação de emprego

Job Creation in Europe: A firm-level analysis

EU exports to the world: effects on employment

Job Creation and Local Economic Development


Qualidade do emprego

Recent developments in temporary employment: Employment growth, wages and transitions

New forms of employment

Employment and working conditions of selected types of platform work

Income inequalities and employment patterns in Europe before and after the Great Recession


Emprego e alterações tecnológicas

Platform Workers in Europe

The future of the EU collaborative economy

Good Jobs for All in a Changing World of Work – The OECD Jobs Strategy

Job Creation and Local Economic Development 2018 – Preparing for the Future of Work

New forms of employment: Developing the potential of strategic employee sharing

The Impact of the Digital Transformation on EU Labour Markets

Automation, digitisation and platforms: Implications for work and employment

Policy Responses to New Forms of Work – OCDE

Technology scenario: Employment implications of radical automation


Tendências do mercado de trabalho – OCDE

OECD Employment Outlook 2019

OECD Employment Outlook 2018

OECD Employment Outlook 2017

OECD Employment Outlook 2016

OECD Employment Outlook 2015



Assessment of the Europe 2020 Strategy – Joint Report of the Employment Committee (EMCO) and the Social Protection Committee (SPC) (2019)

The World of Public Employment Services – Challenges, capacity and outlook for public employment services in the new world of work

Trabalho Digno em Portugal 2008-2018: Da Crise à Recuperação (particular destaque para o Capítulo 4. Políticas ativas do mercado de trabalho: das intervenções da crise às medidas estruturais)

Labour Market Reforms in Portugal 2011-15: A Preliminary Assessment

Dynamic scoring of tax reforms in the European Union

Employment effects of reduced non-wage labour costs

The gender employment gap: Challenges and solutions