- Agenda
- Relatórios :
- “No dynamic collective bargaining without active involvement of social partners” – Portugal;
- “Much hated and yet renowned: The significance of obligatory membership in Austria’s industrial relations” – Áustria;
- “Dynamism and dynamite? The MoUs in Cyprus and Portugal”– Chipre;
- “Different outcomes, same collective bargaining structure?”– Espanha;
- “How to reconciliate flexibility and equality in a context of collective bargaining decentralisation” – França;
- “Dynamics in Dutch collective bargaining: practice and challenges” – Holanda;
- “Strong industrial relations model meets low wage competition” – Noruega;
- “Reconciling actors, dividing sectors: a way to revive collective bargaining in Serbia?” – Sérvia.
3. Relatório final ( a disponibilizar brevemente).